Title: Colouring the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
ISBN 978-87-993925-5-1
Illustrations: Milana Samarskaya
Fairy-tale summaries: Clara Strunge
Introduction: professor Johannes Nørregaard Frandsen
Poem on back cover: Michael B. Hansen, Fagredaktion
Translated from the Danish and edited by Clara Wedersøe Strunge and Heidi Flegal
Graphic design and cover: Strunge Grafik
Famous as well as less known fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen in an easily legible version combined with beautiful drawings for the stories – ready to jump into.
Relaxation and coloring Read/listen to the fairy tales and add your color to Milana Samarskayas wonderful drawings.
The world of Hans Christian Andersen We have here collected 24 fairy tales and serves them in a short version.
“Combining the plot of Hans Christian Andersen with the challenge of colouring images from his world is an excellent idea, precisely because his fairy tales are so vibrant in the telling.”
– Johs Nørregaard Frandsen, professor